Event Owl | The national all-in-one website solution for event applications

An Exhibitor is requesting to withdraw from my event?

There are any number of reasons why an exhibitor wishes to withdraw from your event, it happens to us all.  We advise them all to drop you an email if they wish to totally withdraw though explaining the reason why, and especially after you have approved them. 

Here are a few solutions to common withdrawals:

1. They have made a mistake on their order.  You have seen their request, checked their order and can see an obvious mistake (they've booked two stands not one, booked two types of electric etc.). You have not yet approved the order. 

Solution: No money has been exchanged, click to approve the withdrawl, and they will probably send a new application.

2. They have made a mistake on their order after I have approved their application. 

Solution: They are under your terms and conditions:

Option 1 - Advise them to reapply first and you will take their initial payment off the new order using the Set discount link on their new order.  You need to set the discount before you approve their new order though.

Option 2 - Simply use your Stripe account to refund them, and let them reapply.

3. They can no longer attend. They have sent you an email to this effect.


They are under your terms and conditions for any refund, which you would need to do via your Stripe account (your Stripe account needs to have sufficient money due for transferring over in order to do this).  It's pretty easy to use Stripe to perform refunds, drop us an email and we will explain the process.  Most organsiers refund as and when a replacement can be found so as not to lose the pitch fee.  We do suggest this is made clear on your terms and conditions prior to making your event live.

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