Event Owl | The national all-in-one website solution for event applications

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Adding extra profiles

Do you have repre­sen­ta­tiv­es/­teams that go out to various events? 

Want to separate their activity but just have everything under a primary email address?

Then we've made this easy for you.

After you have registered and created your first (Primary) exhibitor profile, in the profile area you will see a drop down menu arrow next to the Exhibitor (Company) name, click on this and select 'New exhibitor' and a blank form will appear.

As the system will treat this as a new and separate exhibitor/­company, none of your Primary profile information will be replicated. You will need to fully complete this new profile, including the uploading of all the documentation required - if your company insurance covers all these other profiles/teams you will still need to update all the profiles with your new details and documents when the time arises.

Please note: We will send notifiers separately for all profiles.  If you decide to use the same email address as your primary then please check the other profiles to which the notifier email could relate. 

You can of course create a completely separate account, however you will not be able to use your primary email address - we only recognise one email per account.

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