Initially applying for events via smart phone or tablet
First point to raise - these smaller devices are marvellous, but they still have a major disadvantage over PC's and laptop's - namely they have smaller screens!
Registering and applying for your first event will take some time, about 25 - 40 minutes depending on how well you know your device. This is because we need to gather all your information this one time, so we can auto complete it the next time around.
- Master your device first. An hour/half hour with an expert is time well spent.
- Like most other system applications, you will also need to install apps that will be required to open up and save documents. The most popular are MS Word, MS Excel and Adobe Reader, which are available in both Android and Apple stores. Java Script must be enabled for most apps too.
- We recommend using one of the cloud based storage systems too like Dropbox or One Drive etc. though this is just for your initial documents. All your documents will be saved, securely by Event Owl 'in the cloud'.
- Ensure you have your Risk Assessment and current Public Liability Insurance on your device as a suitable document e.g. a PDF. We have a downloadable Risk Assessment template in MS Word. Download, complete, save and store on your device first.
- Then Register with us
- Once you are registered you can start applying for events - see Applying for events
Once you have registered and sent your first application, you will find, as do hundreds of our Exhibitor users, applying for your next event very easy and very quick.
Do delete old documents and images so we can free up space for your new one's!